what people are saying…

Thank you for our session, I found it enlightening and life changing, being able to sift through lots of negative and stuck issues that I have been holding onto for years. This left me feeling much more clear headed and focused on the things that really matter while not holding onto negative issues from the past.


Jad was very clear, focused and confident in getting the exact issue to be tapped /worked on. The wording she used was spot on as we tapped through the points which led me to see the bigger picture of what needed to be shifted. I went from a high resistance number, to a lower and then to zero which happened in a very short time!  I’ve never experienced that with tapping before.

I would highly recommend working with Jad using EFT, which is well informed by her other forms of training/skills set.


My session with Jad was really helpful. I had a physical ailment and she dug in deep with the beliefs and asked really good questions to get to the root of the problem. Eventually she found it and I was able to release some of the pain and more importantly  understand and be aware of where it was coming from. Jad has deep insights, is knowledgeable, supportive, and resourceful to find a way to help you heal. I highly recommend her services.

Thank you.


Jad worked with me around confidence and self-doubt, and I can honestly say I really enjoyed our session and came away feeling more confident. I was also able to put it to the test that evening and could see a difference. So much so, that I would like to continue working with Jad. I did a lot of releasing in the session and gained insights as well. I would definitely recommend her. Jad puts you at ease, and is very intuitive, actively listening to what you share that can help guide the session.

Thank you.


Thanks so much for yesterday, I felt really heard and understood, and not judged in my holding on to something I don’t want on a rational level. This in itself feels like it’s been deeply healing and what we explored was revelatory for me. The tapping was an added level that really confirmed what was being said especially when I tapped my heart area.

Thank you so much.


I recently had the pleasure of having an EFT session with Jad Orlinska.  I’d been introduced to EFT some years ago, but hadn’t used it for a long time.  It was so lovely to meet Jad and to revisit the EFT techniques!

Jad has a real warmth and such a lovely energy about her.  She led me in the session with a great blend of humour, sensitivity and insight, really helping me to pinpoint things that needed to shift and be let go of.  It was a beautiful session and I could feel the energies moving and shifting.   Our session allowed me to move what was holding me back from seeing the next level of insights needed.

I really enjoyed the session and would highly recommend Jad and EFT to you if you’re thinking about giving it a go!


You have really helped me, get a better understanding of life and my purpose in it. As I have felt so lost for so long, but now I feel much more content and at ease in this life. Your intuition is amazing and you had an amazing way of making me feel at ease and I found it so easy to talk too you and trust you. Many thanks for your help.

Thank you


I had an online session with Jad recently around emotional eating and a long term sugar addiction. I had been binge eating as I was stressed out and unhappy with my life. Jad with her calm collected no nonsense approach quickly helped me to see past the symptoms and we got straight to the root cause which was lack of self love. Through EFT tapping we cleared the long held beliefs on an energetic body and mind level. I felt a lot happier and calmer after the session. I’ve been drinking tea without sugar this week for the first time in my life and I’m definitely eating less the urge to binge has gone. I can highly recommend Jad she is very knowledgeable on the subject of emotional eating and EFT works.


My previous experience with tapping was “meh” at best. I figured it just wasn’t for me. Until, a friend told me about Jad and suggested I give it another try. My session with her was a completely a different experience. It was so easy, natural and conversational. It was like talking with a friend. I laughed, cried and thoroughly enjoyed my session (and can’t wait to do another one and tell ALL my friends too). We completely got rid of my migraine headache. It went from a 6 or 7 to GONE! Jad has a tremendous gift. Through her questions and intuition, we were able to uncover negative stuff I didn’t even realize was contributing to my migraines. I’m simply blown away.


I have had two brilliant sessions with Jad, who I find to be an excellent and masterful facilitator. Jad’s insights and highly intuitive approach is the best I have experienced … and, I have had many sessions with many fantastic facilitators.

Jad’s expertise and wisdom coupled with her down to earth empathetic manner make her really lovely to work with. She has skills which enable her to work with the most challenging of cases and I am delighted that a low-level tinnitus I had for about two years seems to have resolved as a result of working with her.  That alone makes me very happy.

The timing of my sessions was at a time of poor health and professional discord and the combination of EAM and card reading has really helped me re-focus and prioritise, and, has also left me with renewed hope, determination and a wonderful sense of peace. Jad is dedicated, left no stone unturned and radiates warmth. I recommend her services without hesitation.


For those willing to explore hidden, unknown, undiscovered aspects of themselves in order to move forwards in their life. I highly recommend working with Jad as a mentor to get clarity.

Jad works very intuitively, has the innate knack of just ‘knowing’ from the highest vibration when you are holding on to emotional blocks, past life ties and even physical excess weight. She is supportive, intuitive and gifted


Jad is a pleasure to work with. She has an amazing ability to intuitively get to the heart of any problem. Her genuine compassion and kindness shines through the support and help that she gives to others. I would highly recommend her to anyone.


Prior to my time with Jad I was feeling very “stuck”. Working with Jad enabled me to shift that feeling leaving me more enthusiastic, connected and inspired


I have just had the most beautiful EFT tapping session with Jad and we worked on me not being able to accept love into my energy field.

Jad instinctively knew exactly the right wording and helped me to release stuck energy and opened my capacity to receive and feel deserving of love in my life.

By the end of the session I truly felt my energetic funnels were wide open to receive love into my life.

Her calming, soulful energy along with her confident knowledge and experience meant that I could truly trust and just be.

I would highly recommend you to connect and experience this for yourselves. You won’t regret it!

Much love



I felt well cared for and understood and supported in my bereavement with this session of EFT with you. Most importantly I felt heard in my grief and loss and supported to both grieve and acknowledge their passings/transitions whilst acknowledging the feelings that ran behind my grief. I haven’t been able to grieve with many people since they died and I felt heard and enabled to both grieve and let go at the same time. Your empathy and understanding was key to this for me. I was amazed at the way the session unfolded and how you seemed to get the words and insights for the session just right !


I did not think I had much to tap on, but Jad cleverly unfolded some topics that were long term subjects I had not addressed fully. Very grateful and highly recommend as Jad’s confidence and expertise shines out ready to support you in the best way possible.


I recently had a session with Jad Orlinska, and it was a fantastic experience. I had been struggling with guilt about not visiting my grandson (he lives in a different continent) , and during the session, Jad helped me to clear the blockages that were preventing me from moving forward.

One thing that really stood out to me was Jad’s approach to tapping. Instead of tapping on just one side of my body, Jad guided me through a circular motion, tapping on both sides of my body. This technique was incredibly effective and helped to release the tension and negative emotions that I had been holding onto.

Jad was incredibly patient, kind, and compassionate throughout the session. She guided me through the EFT process and made sure that I felt comfortable every step of the way. By the end of the session, I felt a profound sense of release and relief.

Since the session, I have noticed a significant improvement in my feelings of guilt. I am incredibly grateful for the work that Jad has done, and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a compassionate and effective EFT coach.


Founder of LOVE Yourself Project Official

I have recently been experiencing sciatica in my left hip as well as indigestion. During my EFT session with Jad we worked on both these issues. After just one session, I felt relief in my hip and my indigestion had eased. Jad is very intuitive and can quickly get to the root of a problem. She is very patient and made me feel at ease. She was a pleasure to work with.


I had an EFT session with Jad Orlinska on Monday and it blew my mind! I could not believe how quickly I felt lighter, more positive and enthusiastic for what is coming up! It seems I had some “stuff” that I had grown up around and now it is shifted, my perspective is different now and I left the session eager to start on my next phase. I can tell you it was an honour to be guided by Jad. She has an amazing energy about her. I felt totally safe in her hands as she led me through the session. And I felt at ease sharing deep held beliefs, which have now been cleared. I cannot recommend Jad highly enough. She is AMAZING at what she does. Thank you Jad you are awesome.

Stephanie Thompson

Stephanie Thompson Coaching

I recently had an EFT session with Jad where we explored some deep issues I had, thinking I’d already covered them in other sessions and with other modalities. It was obvious there was more to work on and Jad was so calm and reassuring during the whole process. The thing about EFT is I was able to allow them to surface, knowing I was safe and able to keep tapping if it became overwhelming. It certainly does what is says on the tin because those issues are no longer holding me to ransom and I can think about them without any kind of emotional trigger. I can’t thank Jad enough.


It was a very moving , enlightening and powerful session you got me understood me and understood me where I was and what I was experiencing . You brought into my awareness fully and calmly , compassionately guided me through tthe EFT session with perfect words to accept , release and change the pattern , habit and stories I ha£ been choosing to hold on to as they were severing me a purpose. Your calm , honest understanding, kindness and compassion brought the session to a profound. Outcome that is continuing everyday since . Transformational , inspiring , empowering and liberating experience. A heartfelt thank , grateful for your gracious time , experience , skills , attention and outcomes say that an awesome experience which is continuing. 🙏🙌💜💚🌟💎🤞🙏😍


Working with Jad is definitely a magical experience!!!

The two sessions I have had with her have left me feeling huge shifts energetically, in my mindset and I have also come away with more clarity and focus on my next steps.

Jad is both incredibly intuitive and a real master at her skill.

If you’re thinking about working with Jad think no longer Just do it !!!!

You will be so happy you did.


Thank you Jad, for a much needed and beneficial session. As usual your wonderful intuition and connection was spot on and allowed us to ask questions I know I wouldn’t have asked!  Patient and generous as always. I felt supported and safe, thank you for holding the space where I needed to go.  Great to have your perspective and expertise. Many, many thanks.

Much Love Karen


I had an amazing session with Jad recently. Her psychic insight was absolutely spot on and she managed to pick up on some very specific issues which were such a relief to release. Combining her skills as a medium with EAM is incredibly powerful and I can highly recommend a session (or more) with Jad. I have felt much lighter and more free since (and that’s having spent many years working in energy myself!). I will be returning for more and I really can’t recommend her highly enough.


I recently had my second EAM session with Jad. She has an uncanny knack of identifying energy blocks, that I didn’t even know were there. We managed to release so much in such a short time.

Following my session, I’m feeling more liberated and more expanded in my energy. Clients are saying great things about my treatments and I’m securing repeat business. I put that down to feeling more in flow and more deserving of positive outcomes.

Thank you Jad for helping me get here 😘


I came to see Jad as I knew there was something I needed to work on. I’d progressed significantly in my spiritual journey but there was something amiss, something I needed support with which I could not manage myself. When we began I immediately felt and supported, her energy and wisdom exude from her like a loving hug of divine Mother. The work found cord beliefs, and patters which were no longer serving me. they were holding me back, stagnating my energy, flow and creativity. I was playing a role which disallowed me to embrace my true power. Throughout the session Jad found and cleared these which I could feel in my energy and body. She works adaptable lovingly and with deep integrally for the best outcome and healing/energy shifts. Since the session I have become more confident, flowfull, present and functional. Releasing an old victim identity and clearing sexual blocks has re-birthed the true me which has opened me up to transcendent experiences and empowered experssion and easeful action taking – Thank you Jad, I will be coming back for more xxxx

Sulinar Amun

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